GaN based SU-R1000 Technics Integrated Class-D, review by TAS

After their unobtainable and unaffordable ground breaking 1.5mhz switching speed, Technics SE-R1 GaN Class-D power amp, this new offspring integrated has finally gotten an in depth review.

I had high hopes for Technics "fully optioned" SU-R1000 integrated, "looks" like my hopes could be founded, here is the The Absolute Sound’s 7 page!!! review on it, enjoy.

Cheers George

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

I believe the SU-G700M2 has the same feature of the SU-R1000 when it comes to records but I understand why you don't want to wait. On another note, I was told that we'd be getting the M2 in December and possibly earlier. Europe is getting them in October.

Now that I know both you and your wife are already missing the sound, I have that much more to look forward to. 👍

All the best,
Well said. Reviewers are no less immune from the viciousness of the mob than anything audio related here. It’s expected. It’s also why lots of reviewers on all manner of platform have suspended comments or heavily moderate them. The same losers who pounce here pounce there and pollute discussion. Personally, I think they get a kind of perverse high off of it.

If one does a more than cursory reading of the review on the SU-R1000, the reviewer hits all the notes without naming names and even goes so far as to say lots of snobs have written off Technics as a major audio player simply because they’re involved with lots of mid-fi gear and that they’re of Japanese origin. I think a lot of the negativity here can be from that.

I’ve always wanted something that sticks to the old adage of " a straighwire with gain" and Technics took a very big step in that direction, which is why I’m waiting on my Technics SU-G700 (in silver) to come in.

All the best,