Gamut Lobster Chair

I have found posts on this forum relating to the Stressless and Eames lounge chair as good listening chairs, but not so much on the Gamut Lobster Chair. Has anyone here tried the Gamut Lobster Chair or better still own one? If so, would appreciate your sharing your thoughts / experience with regard to the Gamut Lobster Chair. Many thanks.


Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

Spouse & self have a pair of IkyYah Poangs’....she can drop off and sleep through warfare on it. *L*

Our cats like them as well, so their price is very attractive in that reason ’floor standing speakers don’t live with us in the residence....

We had an earlier feline declawed, but won’t put any or another through that. it’s not ’fair’ nor pleasant to have your fingernails pulled out either.

We can replace a chair, or reupholster it. And for 5~6K$. I’d rather eat lobster than sit in one....;)

@roxy54 ...Happy to read your 5 were all adopted, as have the 9 spouse and self have, along with the 4 dogs along the way.  Only one cat had gotten declawed, and we regretted it...for our oho....

They seem drawn mostly to leather, which we like more for 'outerwear' over furniture.  The Poangs' cushion is replacable, and not for big$....comfort on a budget at the time, and still holding up well so 'keepers'. *S*

Current listening sit/stay is a low-back chaise lounge, so able to keep 'ears in the clear' re diffustion.  Leaves reflection to the back wall and the mind.... ;)