Future of this hobby?

I took some time off work, and I read the Jan edition of Stereophile cover to cover today. In the Letters to Editor section people were writing in about what will happen to this hobby as the target audience ages and the younger generation doesn't jump on board. I am 28, and I fear that the concern is definitely real. My friends, fiance, and people my age are in love with their Ipods. That is great that they are into listening to music in whatever manner they choose. My friends and fiance all agree that my stereo sounds good but also feel that stereos bought at discount retail stores fill the same need and have no interest in spending the extra cash.

Also, I went to a couple of Chicago Audio Society meetings to see if I could make some friends that shared my interest. I felt a little out of place though when I was the only person in the 20-30 demographic out of a population of forty people. Further, there may have been one or two people in their late 30s and probably half of the people were over 50.

The only conclusion I can reach on this subject is that lesser products are meeting the needs of people my age, and I don't forsee the younger generations waking up one day and deciding to sell the MP3 players so that they can buy high-end turntables. In 20-30 years as much of the current audiophile population ages and some move into assisted living or other arrangements where these elaborate and space consuming set-ups are no longer wanted or needed, the few remaining young people that actually care will be able to take ownership of kick-ass systems at steep discounts. I along with any kids that I have will have our cash ready in anticipation of that day.

Showing 1 response by lakefrontroad

There are several issues I see.

Excellence is it's own virtue to some. So, paying to have true reproduction (live music) does seem crazy to most people. It's cost is so high that it's unattainable for most. For those who can afford it and care enough about music or the art form, they can achieve it.

Younger people cannot make the economic leap and therefore compromise at a level of performance and material, not of sonics and life likeness.

It's not unreasonable, it's expected.

When I was a teenager forty years ago, I listened to records on my $15 columbia "system" with two speakers. When I heard the same albums I listened to on my current system, I didn't recognize the lyrics. I had no idea that was what they were singing...

My children do understand the difference in sonics, but refuse to take the time to listen to music. It's not time in their lives yet to relax and appreciate beauty.

They are the same with food and wine. They have had great meals and wines, but it doesn't hold the value to them that they cost. Their value of money is too dear.

When security isn't their first priority, then there's time for aesthetics.

Youth is a time for passion, they make their own. We old guys need help from others. At least I do.