Funniest Quote About Your Audio "Affliction"

When I was getting into the audio business and had gone to the extreme in wire it was pretty exciting to me to say the least. I had just got the best wire throughout my system I'd ever had, there were $3500 Aluminata power cords on both amps and the preamp, the new Electrocompaniet CD player had a Kaptovator as the Aluminata killed the life for some reason where the Kaptovator was just right. The sound stage, imaging, sense of space and detail was the best I'd ever heard.

I tell my wife she has to come in and hear one of her favorite songs at the time, Madonna's Frozen. So images were behind the back wall, in your face, two or three feet beyond side walls. She looks at me with a deadly serious expression and says that she doesn't like the way all these instruments and vocals are coming from all over the place, she likes the music to sound like it's coming from the speakers.

I was disgusted, I told her to get out of there, she was done. So first thing in the morning I called the owner of the cable manufacturer and told him about that, he laughed his butt off, we both did. He said that was just about the funniest thing he's ever heard about higher end audio, and asked if he could tell other people about it, I told him sure.

Showing 4 responses by douglas_schroeder

Geoffkait, I find the age of the earth question less perturbing than how people can see intelligent design employed every day of their lives, and in fact work with it in their own life, yet fail to see how we are surrounded by living structures of such complexity it makes what me make look like Tinker Toys, which necessitate design to be made. To such people I day, "Come on!"
"My heaviest laugh is certainly toward religion of any� kind."

I don't appreciate your mocking anti-faith agenda. Kindly take it somewhere else.
Chrshanl37, the misdeeds of believers or the failings of human nature are not arguments sufficient to establish the truth or falsehood of a paradigm. So, even though I could discuss them, I am not interested in debating your generalizations about wars, spread of disease, and genocide.

Not all people of faith are Young Earth Creationists, who hold that the Earth is between 6-10K years old. I am an Intelligent Design proponent, and my primary concern is that science falsifies Neo-Darwinism. The age of the earth is secondary to what I see as ample scientific evidence that Evolutionary Theory writ large is untenable.

Regarding Noah's ark, I find it interesting that the fossil beds globally are none other than massive water runoff deposits, with millions of creatures buried by the trauma of water death and deposition in sediment. Millions upon millions of them, on every continent. Sea fossils are even found at the tops of the highest mountains in the world. It is a misnomer that Noah had to take two of each species; the biblical term is "kind". He only needed a pair of dog kind, cat kind, etc. and there is enough genetic flexibility to create diversity of species over the ensuing thousands of years.

Climate Change I am on the fence. I see confirming and falsifying data. I do know that it lends itself to political posturing and manipulation.

Regarding child molestation, I agree it's a travesty. IMO, it's caused by aberrant doctrine forcing celibacy on men which goes against the sex drive.

Now, as to mocking people, it would not be hard to find reasons to mock people and groups who hold contrary positions to mine. But, I don't think mocking the best way to engender a better world and understanding. :)
IMO, for all the science behind it radiometric dating has some serious problems, including the assumptions about the samples. I have read of lava from eruptions less than 150 years ago dated in the tens of millions of years, and of a fresh killed animal dated at millions.

Such results call into serious question the efficacy of radiometric dating. Often the "wrong" results, those not supporting the reigning long age paradigm are tossed in favor of those which sit well with the theory.