Fully Automatic Tables

I am trying to round up a list of FULLY automatic turntables that would be considered of decent quality. Tables on this list would include:

Yamaha PX2/3.....other Japanese linear tracking tables seem to have been cheap devices for the most part selling a concept rather than a decent product. Correct me if I am mistaken.

Revox linear tracking tables (have no idea of quality but thoughts on this site lead me to not have much interest)

Denon DP47F

Denon DP61F (think it full auto)

Micro Seiki models? Probabaly irrelevent since so few of these were ever sold.

Dual CS 435/455. possibly earlier 601/701 series if in good shape and excellent isolation base used. The CS models might be limited due to their use of that damnable P mount (or whatever it is called).

That's about it. There is one Sony model with some weird servo arm that I used briefly in the early 80s that seemed to be a decent table but I've been unable to find anything on it; some kind of PSX model prefix methinks.

Bang and Olufsen is excluded due to cartridge limitations.

I am not interested in tables that lift the arm and/or shut off only at the end of the record. I am talking about not having to touch the tonearm at all.


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