Full range speaker recommendation

Looking for recommendations for full range speakers. 

price range is sub $6000. Current setup is Jeff Rowland 501 Mono Blocks, Jeff Rowland Capri Preamp, McIntosh MCD-350 SACD, Cambridge CXN streamer, Rega P6 with Songbird low Mc. 
Room is 17’x15’2” with vaulted ceiling. 
Currently have ATC SCM 11V2 with two REL S2 subs. 

any insight would be greatly appreciated 🙏

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Showing 2 responses by 2psyop

What are the sound qualities are are looking for/ What do the ATC's lack? Are you wanting stand mount or floor standing speakers? Keeping the REL subs? Do they integrate well for you... enough to use with the newer speakers?

The best stand mount speakers I have heard are Wilson Audio Duette. You get incredible sound with these. If you combine these with subwoofers.... I can't imagine the sound. Interestingly there is a listing on Audiogon for a used pair.

Other than that, my vote goes to Tekton Pendragon or Double Impact SE or Vandersteen 2CE Sig III with your subwoofers. I have the Double Impact SE and they are very dynamic speakers with LOTS of bass and punch. My Vandersteen speakers are the 2CE Sig II and paired with subs are very refined, less in your face.