Full range speaker for rogue 90 or 100 wpc amp.

I need your suggestions for full range floorstanding or other that can be driven by my rogue magnum 90 easily. I have no dealer close-by to listen to any. I am using a baetis streamer with a Rogue rp-5 pre and the magnum 90. My room is 13' x 16'.  I listen to male and female jazz singers. Some classic rock. My budget is 1,000-2,000 bucks. I have even considered DIY.
I will look into these suggestions. About the thiels are they harsh? Sometimes i hear them described that way. I couldn't imagine that with tube gear.
Re Thiels being harsh, I guess I'd counter with equipment matching is something you need to very much take into consideration with Thiels, and IMO the Rogue 100 wpc tubes will be a great start.  The upside is midrange tone and timber esp w/ tubes is superb, and PRAT, dynamics are excellent, bass is solid too.  Admittedly, I've also fussed about with room treatments and tweaks to help control sibilance and reediness caused I think partially by the speakers, partially by the room, and also moved to a warmer DAC.  I want to try a BIG amp and the user reviews for the new GaNs from W4S, LSA, and Peachtree have and will continue to be very interesting.