from Sphinx to Cronus Magnum?

Hi audiophiles,

Currently, my system is a Rogue Sphinx amplifier, a Rega Apollo-R cd player, a Rega RP6 TT with exact cartridge, and Kef LS50 speakers. I am enjoying this very much, but have been wondering about upgrading to a Cronus Magnum at some point. In part, I am curious about a tube amp (have never had one) and I also am interested in doing the best I can by these great speakers.

Has anyone made this move from Sphinx to Cronus Magnum? I'd be curious about any observations.

Also, is anyone running the Cronus Magnum with the Kef LS50s? What do you think of the combination?

Finally, if I eventually want to upgrade to an external phono stage (and assuming I stay with the Exact cartridge), would I be better off with a Rogue Triton or a Rega Aria? The half size of the Rega is appealing because I could slide it into my rack next to the Apollo-R without adding a shelf, but I could add a shelf if I had to.

Thanks for your thoughts! Happy Thanksgiving!


Showing 1 response by lradder

I have a good history with this discussion. I have progressed through the Sphinx, then on to the Sphinx V2, and now I own the Cronus Magnum II. While I appreciated all that the Sphinx V1 and V2 had to offer, I must rave about the improved sound, soundstage, clarity, instrument positioning, and more that the CM II has above the Sphinx. Again, the Sphinx is a fantastic integrated, award-winning amp in its own right, but the CM II is justĀ a whole other level. My wife could hear the improvement! Tubes just make the difference. I can use all the audiophile accolades to describe the difference, but it's more emotional than logical. I hope this helps, but trust me, you would not be disappointed in making the jump to the Cronus Magnum II. Good luck.