Free SPL Meter App - From a US Government Agency

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

This free app, used to measure sound pressure levels, AKA loudness, can also tell you when you have received a "dose" of sounds that could be harmful.

Happy listening!


Showing 1 response by onhwy61

Let me see if I understand this -- you're worried about the government listening to you over the SPL app?  You should be much more worried about the private corporations that are keeping tabs on your internet browsing, where you drive, who you're friends with, where you shop, what shows you watch, what you eat and drink, where you get your news and where you travel.  The government is providing you with a tool to protect your hearing, while the corporations are trying to make money.  Can you not discern which one is the more dangerous?