
I've used this gizmo a few times before and think its a very valuable tool. I'm setting up a new cartridge, and nearing the end of a whole day job...anyway, I'm using the proper test record, yet, the meter doesn't work...I get a dull lights on the 2 red ones, although the middle power light works. Any suggestions?
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If you use the Fozgometer, you should heed Fremer's latest blog and also the bulletins from the distributor. Turns out the Foz is very dependent for accuracy upon the exact DC voltage being put out by its "9V" battery. 9V batteries never put out exactly 9V. Thus every Foz, new or old, needs to be calibrated prior to use. There are instructions how to do that at both sites. This revelation probably accounts for the wildly different opinions I have read here and elsewhere regarding the accuracy of the Foz.

I think "767400" is pointing out this same issue.

IMO, Fosgate should make available at least an optional external 9V regulated power supply that plugs into the Foz. Get rid of that battery.
This seems like a handy device (and made in the US). I considered buying one a few years ago :

Looks more trouble-free than the Foz (no lights, you judge the sound minimum)?
It is bound to have its critics too I am certain ;^)
I seem to remember the Fozgometer being somewhat discredited by users in general, the inference being it was only dependable in 2 out of 3 cases(?). If you prefer measurement perhaps a better option would be to wait for one of these :

I'm not sure the device ever fully went to market(???)
They've been telegraphing its release for some time.
Also it is/will be a good deal more expensive than the Fozgometer.
I suppose an update is in order.... I got the replacement Ortofon and the cartridge is fine, but the Foz was indeed broken as well. I sent the Foz back to Musical Surrounding who told me the meters were shorted, and that they are sending me a new unit. Right now I have the cartridge set up and am eyeballing the azimuth. I'll readjust it when I get the new Foz. The sound on the Ortofon was piss poor for the first side or 2 playing LPs. It then started to strut...the fuzzy sound receeded, and was replaced with great hall ambiance. This cartridge replaced an LPS and right now even not fully broken in, it is a sound replacement. Listening to it gets better everyday is enlightening. It doesn't click to a better picture, but slowly the listener is aware of new "stuff". It reminds me of my don't realize the weather change, but then suddenly the sun breaks from behind some clouds. When the Foz comes I'll wright again.
Fozgometer Calibration:
Essentialaudio, the Fozgometer may not be the problem. Read what Stringreen is saying; it may be the Ortofon cartridge.

Until the cartridge is replaced and the Fozgometer is used to align azimuth with the new cartridge, it's all speculation.

I've been using a Fozgometer for more than five years now and have been quite satisfied with it's ability to consistently get cartridge alignment very close to ideal. Fine-tuning by ear is the final step if needed. The price is still reasonable when you consider the alternatives.

Thanks Jorsan....I used it a few months ago to set up a Benz LPS and it worked fine. The brand new Ortofon was internally wired incorrectly. The leads I installed match the color of the pins, and itself matched the illustration on the enclosed brochure. Although the cartridge was not completely set up, I listened and discovered that the right channel was coming from the left and v/v. I've sent the cartridge back to Ortofon, and will post when I get another.
Even more unacceptable when you realize the distributor has raised the price to $300.
I think is a calibration issue. There is a way to calibrate the device, I used to have one light on even when not connected to a TT. What I don't remember is where the company explain how to do it. Try to contact the manufacturer. is a new Ortofon that was manufactured with internal improper connections. Thanks
Have you tried connecting the meter to the output of the phonostage or the preamp? A lot of cartridges don't have enough output for the meter to work straight off the cartridge.
I tried one recently...gave a funny reading and the cartridge did not look right (really tilted) I went back to what looked right and fine tuned by ear from there...

Not sure if it was user error...but just not that hard to use...
Thanks.....changed the help, no short on the meter. It is a bad brand new Ortofon cartridge. Back it goes.
I bought a demo Fozgometer a while back and it didn't work when I got it. I contacted the importer and they said some units have an issue with the meter connections shorting out on the aluminum box ( a little too tight a fit). Sure enough that was my problem, a piece of strategically placed tape solved the problem. If you have an unpainted internal surface or obvious wear on the bottom of the box then this could be your problem.