Forwarding virus / hoax / how to verify

I've received emails from several different members of AA and Agon stating that their computer had forwarded a virus to my computer and that i should delete files ABC, XYZ, etc... in order to "save" my computer from certain catastrophe.

First of all, i always recommend running a GOOD anti-virus program AND keeping it up to date. The better programs update automatically when you log onto the net so that your virus definitions remain up to date. In this day and age, a virus scanning program is NOT an option but should be standard equipment.

Second, one should always check the Symantec Virus Hoax site before forwarding or deleting ANYTHING recommended to you in an email. In effect, some of these "warnings" where people try to help you delete "corrupt" files is what does the damage. Most of these individuals are innocent victims that did not do their homework and end up in the same mess that you are IF you deleted the files like they did.

Hope this saves someone some trouble. If the link above does not work for you, try cutting and pasting the link below into your browser. Sean
I have received two e-mails in the last two days about a virus using my Audiogon e-mail address and this am my Norton program lit up like a Christmas tree with a virus warning so someone may be sending a virus to Audiogon members.
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