Forte model 3 with forte model 2preamp

What would be the next step to improve sound? I  only stream music via sonica streaming dac. Using the forte model 3 with (200 watts per channel) with Dahlquist Dq10 in 15x20 ft room with open room concept . Plan to use kinergetic sw100.5 subwoofers with lp1 crossover. Have equipment, just finis haven't hooked it up
thankyou for your comments.
If your Forte is playing fine with no noise you’re probably fine on the caps. Pull the lid and take a look inside to physically inspect the caps. Be real easy to throw some bypass caps over the big cans if you wanted to do some quick easy mods to your amp. My personal experience doing these types of mods will lower the noise floor and clean the amp up. Very easy to do on this amp.

The McCormack TLC was a nice passive pre in its day but it never won me over. I built a passive pre that Corey Greenberg a former Stereophile reviewer wrote an article on over a series of a couple months I think it was; it was pretty transparent or revealing as well but I found it boring overall to listen to... it did nothing really wrong but no PRaT.

You mentioned looking at other pre’s such as ARC LS3 and AI 2D. The LS3 was a Stereophile A rated pre in its day but I found it too clinical and non-forgiving. If your system and room is a little on the bright side I’d steer clear from a LS3; on a tube amp it could likely be magical.

The Audible Illusions is a nice pre but I personally don’t care for the separate L/R potentiometers, but to each their own I suppose. I recall years ago reading they love to eat tubes so check on that.

If you love your speakers I’d look at changing out your TLC over your amp. I’ll throw it out again, I’ve mentioned it in many post, for the money the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE is the preamp to beat. I’ve owned one and enjoyed dragging home much more expensive preamps that couldn’t keep up with the little Modwright.

All being said I’m still not sure I’d give up on your TLC if you haven’t played with room treatment and cables. Cables are essentially tonecontrols, even the most expensive ones are. You can probably change the sound more to your liking with cables but if you’re wanting to tap your toes more cables probably won’t get you there but a nice active tube preamp just might do it.

Cant tell if you already bought the Ampzilla/Thoebe pieces... so congrats or just dragged them home to audition from your last post.

Good luck.
Hi everyone. I tried the Ampzilla with Theobe preamp. It was a lot more money but what a difference. The Forte was great but the Ampzilla is much better but a lot more expensive. I'm pleased now just want to hook up my Kinergetics with lp1 cross over
Hi yogi boy I've enjoyed reading your posts and appreciate your feedback. I'm not sure the preamp is as strong as the amp. I have a McCormack TLC1 delux I'll try but was also interested if the audio research ls3 or audible illusions 2d would improve the sound or am I just on the audio file Ferris wheel ? The system sound better than my mc2205 and Accuphase.
everyones thoughts are appreciated.

You might want to send the fine Forte gear to:

for maintenance and refresh. Depending on the units they might be getting close to due for caps replacements.

Years ago I had the DQ10 with the Forte model 3 and the combination was outstanding. Why do you feel you would need to improve it?