For Weiss 204 DAC owners - ModWright has an LPS

For any owners of the Weiss 204/205 DACs, Dan at ModWright somewhat recently came out with a linear power supply for these units. I was early in line for mine and have had it for about a couple of months.

I was just using the stock switching supply that comes with the 204, so this is not a 204 LPS comparison. With the ModWright LPS, the Weiss opened up dimensionally, adding more depth in my system. Dynamics were enhanced, both overall and with leading edge transients. And most surprisingly to me was an overall improved musical timbre. Not saying that the LPS is going to take this Weiss model and make it into a $20k DAC, but if you are a Weiss owner, are thinking of an LPS or would like a fairly simple digital upgrade, it is very much worth considering in my opinion.

Still trying some different PCs on the LPS, but don’t want to turn this into yet another PC discussion :)

PS - while it took me some time to get my unit because I ordered it before production, the ModWright folks were great and communicative. Also they worked hard to match the aesthetics of the LPS to the Weiss and did a great job on that. 


Showing 1 response by bluethinker

@cbrez - I’m thinking of swapping out some audio components in my office system. I’ve not been happy with the reliability of a combined DAC/Streamer device.

Based on what I’ve read the Weiss 204 is well regarded. My impression is it can be a little forward sounding. Would you say that is accurate? I’d welcome hearing your impressions of the Weiss 204 with the Modwright power supply.