For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.

What are your favorite audio components and speakers based on the way they look (looked).  Yes, I know that sound is what counts and that is my major influence, but I do enjoy well designed/good looking products.   I no longer do, but did have a collection of art deco radios, both table models and consoles.....and that was all about design rather than their audiophile qualities.  Thanks 


Showing 1 response by snilf

I'm partial to my Scientific Fidelity "Tesla" speakers, and love their sound even more than their great looks. Corey Greenberg in Stereophile basically killed the company with a bad review. But Stereophile raves about others I've had in my listening room to compare (by PSB, B&W, MartinLogan), and they have all fallen short. Still, here's a link to that scandalous review for the sake of the image.