For older guys

On a recent Good Will LP foraging trip, I came across a Perry Como album new still in wrap .
Now, I never cared about Perry as a kid growing up but I had had a very beloved aunt
who adored him, and in her honor bought the album .

Spun it today and ,through the tears for my aunt, I saw why she adored him.
What I took for a sap when I was a kid had changed into a master of what
he did , perfect phrasing and timing , he just made his art, and art it was, seem easy and I was the sap.

When I was a really young kid, we used to watch TV show called "The Hit Parade.". Each week they would play the top ten billboard hits...with dancing and other such entertainment...the first music videos.  Perry Como was often in the top ten.  Great entertainment.
I played all these songs as a club and summer resort pianist in the '50s and early '60s. Actually, I played some of them in the '40s. I can still play many of them from memory, even when I can't remember what I had for lunch.
schubert, Thank You. *G*

I 'hammer' at a lot of things, and have no reluctance at being the 'Devil's Advocate' with regard to some subjects.  When it comes to 'the music', it's all tastes and preferences IMHO.  And that's a Good Thing.  If we all liked the same thing, it'd be all shades of grey and not a lot to discuss.

My personal preferences would likely send some screaming towards the nearest porcelain porch to revisit lunch, but that's another matter...;)

How you prefer to listen to what you like is, again, subject to preference.  I'd hope that one is listening to the music vs, listening to and for the flaws in the reproduction of it.  Self-defeating, IMHO....but then, I have my 'flaws', as my spouse will happily expound upon. ;)

New stuff, old stuff...there's always the good, the bad, and the ugly. *L*  Some things never change, they just...well, they're There.
Just play it, any of it, and Enjoy.