MY personal opinion is to not consider large full range floor standers. Basically, go with more bass limited designs, preferably sealed box acoustic suspension designs.
If you like or are considering the likes of Soliloqy's and similar, I recommend the smaller sealed monitors, perhaps mounted on the wall, integrated a WELL EXECUTD, PLACED, AND CALIBRATED, musical sub! This gives you far more flexibility, better more balanced sound, with better imaging(if you deal with the reflections properly and acoustics that is.).
I mean, what, are you stuck on floor standers for full range integration and response, and you are fixed on the idea of "full range speakers sound/work best?". My extensive experience suggest that the benefit of full range speakers will be completely countered by poor placment, set up, and acoustical considerations! You'll get much better results limiting bass output next to a wall(which excites ALL THE BASS MODES BASICALLY, giving boomy, unatural, overdominating, uneven bass sound, dominating midrange and trebble, among other problems), and concentrate on doing the bass with a better placed subwoofer. In such a case, you can use bass managment or run paralell for sub/monitors. Either will be better than what you're likely considering, trust me.