floor stander suggestions

using sim i3 and equinox cd,acoustic zen cables.would appreciate some suggestions for floor standing speakers,using dynaudio 1.3 se now,staying away from sub suggestions for now,just curious what some might suggest.2400 used budget for now,listen to ecm jazz,joe zawinal,peter erskine,bobo stenson,thanks.
Try http://www.zalytron.com for a stock or custom job. Great site with lots of designs to choose from. I think you get more with them since you're not paying for the marketing costs of some of the big boys, yet the quality is all there, or perhaps even better since the dollars go in the box. http://www.madisound.com is another excellent purveyor of quality spkrs.

You made the strong investment in Sim gear, so very good spkrs are a must. Good luck, and let us know what you get.
Try http://www.zalytron.com for a stock or custom job. Great site with lots of designs to choose from. I think you get more with them since you're not paying for the marketing costs of some of the big boys, yet the quality is all there, or perhaps even better since the dollars go in the box. http://www.madisound.com is another excellent purveyor of quality spkrs.

You made the strong investment in Sim gear, so very good spkrs are a must. Good luck, and let us know what you get.
How much power is needed for the Totem Forests? Would a good 100wpc integrated (Portal Panache) do the trick?
I am prone to fatigue due to metal dome tweeters and don't find the Forests tizzy or fatiguing.
zen speaker might be a little to spendy,forest metal dome sea,s?to tizzy?i have never heard with sim gear.i do like dyn sound with sim gear.
Totem is good.Audio physic if you want long wall dipsersion.Everybody's going nuts ove Zenn Cable Zu's (for $2800 you get in home 30 day0.Find Gallo dealer to make own assesement of 3.1's.If Hyperion delaer around go hear thier watt Puppy knock off an buy the 44K used.If you like low pwer and think yopu might want to run what you've got now and maybe get a SET amp (like Almarro intergrated putting out 18 watts-meag checp-no frills but real SET) I would try to listen to Silverline's.Can be bought used with real nice burl walnut cabineys/
If you use Zen cable, why not the Acoustic Zen Adagios. I have a cable loom of Silver Reference and Hologram and the new Adagios are just wonderful. I know new speakers get hyped, but theses are the real deal, as fast as electrostatics, dynamic uncoloured, a steal at the price. They really are exceptionally good and available on the gon for about $2800
If you like the sound of your speaker, a used dynaudio contour 2.8 with esotar tweeter. Or anything else.
Sonus Faber Grand Piano must be the best contender.
I'm happy with my Totem Forrest with nearly the same music as you listen to with some rock and electronica.