First Tube amp suggestions

I am thinking of buying my first tube amplifier and really have no idea where to start.  Years ago I listened to a Sophia Electric  el34 amp (SET) driving a pair of Joseph Audio rm7si bookshelf speakers in a very well set up room and could not believe how sweet they sounded together for the price. (It really felt like James Taylor was in the room).  I regret that I never pulled the trigger on that system and do not know what a good entry level system would be nowadays.  I listen  mainly to male and female folk rock and an occasional classical or jazz album (Cd's and streaming from Tidal)  My current speakers are Triangle Borea BR03's  -90 db but am open to swapping them out. and the listening room is 14' x 20'.  There is a lot of internet chatter about low cost tube amps like the Reisong A12 and the mid priced Williston R8.  Are these amps worth buying or where should I start?  Thanks in advance!


@perkadin "The R8 is a perfect choice if you are ok with "Chi-Fi". "


Self trouble-shooting skills -or- a willing local repair technician with replacement parts may be required. For awareness, quote "Bias board issues, channel issues, loud cracking issues, fixing lead dress, and grounding faults", no circuit diagrams to diagnose it’ and fix it"...

Look around carefully before taking the initial low cost leap.


The Black Ice amps, heck tube amps in general, may have many of the same issues, several of those you just described are mentioned in Black Ice’s Troubleshooting section of their website. It did look like there were responses from the manufacturer so perhaps the issues in both cases were resolved, albeit with some frustration.

But you bring up a good point and that’s what I meant by being ok with Chi-Fi. You have to be ok with the idea that you are buying direct from China and you may not have a phone number to call for support and will likely end up swapping emails. If an issue does arise you may even have to find an independent repair shop. I think Black Ice does a much better job supporting their products and offer a 1-800 number. It’s up to you to decide if that’s worth the added cost.

The good news is that these are very low tech items, very reliable, and one of the few types of consumer electronics that can be repaired. Youtube channels like Skunkworks are great for DIYers. Check out Danny from GR Research, that guy rips nearly everything lol. I personally would never mod a speaker, but I’m glad there are people out there that still repair, fix and tinker. It’s becoming a lost art. .

Thank you everyone for such great information. I spoke with the kind folks at Black Ice yesterday and they were very helpful and patient. I think I will be going that route (I am now deciding on the fx10 or pushing my budget to the f11) I can already see this hobby is going to be an expensive one, but am excited to chase the sound I think many of us look for. Thanks again and will post how the my Triangles pair with whatever I end up with!

The most expensive route will be trial and error, buying, selling returning etc. My advice would be to include the speakers into the decision making process and think of them as a system. Low power tubes will sound best on high efficiency speakers, so money saved with the F10 may end up costing more on the speaker side. I’d recommend something in the high 90’s db efficiency like Zu Dirty Weekend or Klipsch Heresy. Again if you want to use your triangles skip up to the F11 at minimum. Even that will have some issues delivering bass, but it does come with a sub out connection. 

Not to muddy the waters here, but a lot of the 3D magic you heard with the SET amp and RM7si speakers was probably not in small part due to the excellent imaging/soundstage capabilities of the speakers as it’s just a core strength of the brand (although I’m sure the amp contributed as well).  Another option would be to try these RM22XLs and see if they recapture a good portion of that magic with your existing amp, and if not you can likely turn around and sell them for little/no loss.  Just another option to ponder FWIW.