I do believe a good percentage of so called pro reviews have some bias one way or the other and at varying levels, but as long as one is aware of this these can still be helpful especially when gears are compared. Like when the X30 is compared w/ the May it is often described as more open, incisive and detailed presentation while May bloomy, warm and spacious. This tells me in my system (mildly warm) the X30 will likely be a better match. It is from these reviews I eliminated the May as an option w/c I originally were keen.
Musetec do seem to be a smaller outfit than Gustard w/ only 3 products. W/c could explain why they would rather sell units rather pass around for reviews. I sent them a couple of emails and got prompt decent response. My email to Gustard still no response. I buy lots of stuff all the time from Amazon but the X30 is not an option. In email Musetec advise they have been partners for years w/ Shenzenaudio and they are reliable.