Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?

It sounds good and yet..

Leaving wall current alone - it’s a separate big problem. Leaving the room alone too.

Do you begin by seeking out best LP pressings ? Or tube rolling ? Or cables and power cords comparisons ? Isolation devices perhaps ? Something else ?

How do you go about it ?

I tend to start from the beginning - LP pressings.


Showing 2 responses by triton20trx

For me it’s all about listening to the music and not being too analytical, and I’m an engineer.  But tweaking is a fun part of our hobby.

I love the sound of tubes but I don’t trust myself or hype to pick them for my setup.  I have always gone to Brent Jesse at for his recommendations.  It’s amazing the experience he’s had with a tremendous variety of equipment manufacturers.  He gets lots of customers feedback on the success of his recommendations.  What’s interesting is the best sound in my equipment does not come from “names”.  And the preamp tubes have a much bigger impact than the power tubes, but you already know that.

Just my experience, but I don’t know shit

For me it’s all about listening to the music and not being too analytical, and I’m an engineer. But tweaking is a fun part of our hobby.

I love the sound of tubes but I don’t trust myself or hype to pick them for my setup. I have always gone to Brent Jesse at for his recommendations. It’s amazing the experience he’s had with a tremendous variety of equipment manufacturers. He gets lots of customers feedback on the success of his recommendations. What’s interesting is the best sound in my equipment does not come from “names”. And the preamp tubes have a much bigger impact than the power tubes, but you already know that.

Just my experience, but I don’t know crap