Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?

It sounds good and yet..

Leaving wall current alone - it’s a separate big problem. Leaving the room alone too.

Do you begin by seeking out best LP pressings ? Or tube rolling ? Or cables and power cords comparisons ? Isolation devices perhaps ? Something else ?

How do you go about it ?

I tend to start from the beginning - LP pressings.


Showing 1 response by curiousjim

I just posted this on another thread and think it fits here as well.

I’ve been listening, reading, building, selling, swapping and buying hifi since the early seventies and almost every move has been an upgrade, or at least a noticeable change.  I will never stop reading and listening, but other than changing my DAC, I’m really happy with my current setup. And speaking of the DAC, it’s a Pontus ll and I really enjoy the sound of the R2R sound and would love to hear others, but it ain’t as easy as it used to be.