Feeding an integrated amp with a preamp

Hi all! If I feed an integrated amp which has a passive preamp section with an preamp output, will I listen to just the amplifier section of the integrated amp?

Are there any advantages doing this?

The integrated amp is a LFD Zero MKIII and the preamp is a Bryston BP-25.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!.


Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

I think that would be a mistake, and not yield very good results.     The integrated needs a fixed output from your sources .   By driving the int with a preamp,   you are likely to saturate the integrated amps input with way more than the "standard" 2.0 volts or so output that the integrated amps inputs.   So in addition to too much gain,  you now have two volume controls in the mix .... that can't be good.