Fed rate increase = lower hifi prices?

Will the recent rate hike meant to slow down the economy result in lower hifi prices?  Seems everything shot up during Covid. Will we now see some relief?


Showing 4 responses by artemus_5

Fed rate increase = lower hifi prices?

the rate increase has nothing to do with audio equipment! mostly on buying homes!!

How do you come up with these ideas? If the rates go UP, the Mfgs,& the home buyer pay more for borrowing $$$. That means mfg price increase and home buyer & renter payments go up

See below for amount of price increase:

  • Rental cars: 42.9%
  • Gas: 42.1%
  • Used cars: 24.4%
  • Hotels: 18%
  • TVs: 12.7%
  • Furniture: 11.2%
  • Meats, poultry, fish and eggs: 10.5%
  • New cars: 8.7%
  • Appliances: 7.1%
  • Electricity: 5.2%
  • Restaurant prices: 4.7%
  • Rent: 2.9%


These rates are VERY LOW. IE Gas prices are very near doubled. That’s close to 100% NOT the 41% posted. Diesel fuel hit an all time high this past week. It is $5.29 here where its cheaper than a lot of places. this effects EVERY product because most everything is shipped at some point via Truck which uses diesel.

Used cars were up 35%. I do most of the grocery shopping and can assure you that 10% is NOT ACCURATE for food. Hamburger was 3.50 LB Now it is $4.50-$5. That is 30-35%. coffee which was $6 is now $8.50. Thats about 45%. And consider this. the Cost of living index does NOT INCLUDE food, gas & housing. The market dropped bu over 1000 points yesterday. And as we speak the DC politicians spending $33 Billion more of OUR $$$, Not on us though

Google Klaus Schwab, The World Economic forum, The great reset. I suspect what is coming will make 2008 look like a walk in the park. So buckle up folks. We have very few friends in DC. A D or R means nothing They have sold US out

As @nonoise has said

Sounds like a great time to turn the screws some more.

And why not? We do nothing to stop them


You are right in that I didn't mention the big gains in the market the day before the 1k+ point drop in the market. On wed it rose 932 and Thursday dropped 1063, still  a loss of 131. In fact the market has dropped nearly 10% in the last year. One of the problems is that the market is highly inflated  and so 100 points seems like a little. and it is. But we are still that 10%% down in the year. So its like death by a thousand cuts. A cut here and there is no problem and goes unseen. maybe that's why we aren't even paying any attention to a 10% drop. But I assure you the savvy investors know this market is over inflated and is being propped up. When the bubble bursts, who will get hurt? same as 08...the working people. Big corp was too big to fail and got bailed out.


Then as @deludedaudiophile has pointed out, the exorbitant printing of $$$ How many Trillions have we printed? As mentioned, the Asian economies didn't do as much. Its well known that China would love to have the reserve currency. If/When that happens, the US is BROKE.Its actually broke now but we can print $$$. But how long will the world keep trading in the US dollar? Saudi Arabia and Germany are both buying Russian oil now and paying with Rubles. Meanwhile we are again importing oil where we were energy independent. So they can't buy from the US anymore. So that's one export we don't have. Then there is the new record setting trade deficit of $109.8 BILLION in April. These are just things from memory. Nonetheless,  I'd love to know why you believe we have a  "strong economy" when we have no mfg base as we did in the 80's recession and are a lot deeper in debt than either  recession?

@ghasley @soix

In light of all the things I have mentioned, you have addressed NONE of them, instead putting forth theoretical rhetoric. We live in a real world. in this real world, the gas has either doubled in price or it has not. Hamburger has risen 35-40% or it has not. Coffee, 40% or not. Klaus Schwab and WEF has an agenda are either real or not. Saudi Arabia is either buying Russian oil with Rubles or not. China has either sworn to overtake us or not. Communists have sworn to bury us or not. And these things effect economic outcomes. Yet all I see from you is bluster & arrogance. No answers to my questions. just theory. Yet, when theory collides with reality , REALITY WINS

There is a heirarchy of lies that goes


Damned Lies


You can make them say whatever you want. And I know you are willing to do so.That said, I also have learned to not waste my time on leftists who think themselves superior. They can never win the debate on the merits of their ideas nor can they teach anything because of their arrogance. Nor will they answer any of the tough truths of life. I’d rather not trade insults and instead have a rational conversation.but I guess its not possible as long as I don’t line up with the left’s ideas. You just have to agree with them or they go nuts and cancel you if they can

Here’s what the GAO says. I’m sure you will find justification for your position no matter who says you are wrong because in your mind that cannot be.


GAO warns of ‘unsustainable fiscal future,’ debt reaching over 200% GDP

“The federal government faces an unsustainable fiscal future. If policies don’t change, debt will continue to grow faster than the economy,” said the Government Accountability Office. Hint: Imagine things twice as bad as today.

Over 54 pages, the GAO’s annual federal audit calls for major pullbacks to fix the fiscal health of the government and economy.

But if the predictions included in the report are right, a bigger crash is coming due to nonstop growing debt, now equal to America’s gross domestic product. By 2050, and absent a major (and an unlikely) policy shift, the national debt will more than double to 217% of GDP, said the GAO.

“The federal government faces an unsustainable fiscal future. At the end of fiscal year...

GAO warns of ‘unsustainable fiscal future,’ debt reaching over 200% GDP

And here is the actual GAO report

GAO Report to Congress