Devaluation of the Swiss Franc would not explain this. The opposite would: if the Swiss Franc had strengthened greatly, then $10K might buy required to buy the same product that $5K did four years ago. Alas, this is not exactly what happened over the last few years. Try, for example, to get a five years chart of USD/CHF.
Neither did Switzerland have any relevant inflation over the last several years. Cause for these price increases must lie elsewhere.
PS: My mother bought an early Piega back in 1988 and she still uses them today. At least they seem to last. To keep the trade balances intact, I bought Avalons last summer.
Neither did Switzerland have any relevant inflation over the last several years. Cause for these price increases must lie elsewhere.
PS: My mother bought an early Piega back in 1988 and she still uses them today. At least they seem to last. To keep the trade balances intact, I bought Avalons last summer.