Favourite Guitar CDs

Can you pls advise ?
Two that I've been listening to a lot lately are Kelly Joe Phelps' "Shine Eyed Mister Zen" and Martin Simpson's "Righteousness and Humidity". Great music and great sound - what more can you ask for?

These two CDs are responsible for getting me off my butt, buying a guitar and signing up for fingerstyle lessons. I'm never going to be either of these guys (especially starting this late in life), but I just hate the fact that all I do is consume music, and never produce any. That is changing, thanks to two guys and their guitars.
In the vein of albums not yet noted, I'll nominate Bob Mould, specifically in his Sugar incarnation and the _Copper Blue_ album. Turn it up loud and be overwhelmed and awed at what can come from a single guitar.

Although its probably showing my age, I'll also throw Adrian Belew's _Big Electric Cat_ out there. He used to play with Laurie Anderson, if I recall correctly, and maybe did a stint with Genesis?

I recently picked up a couple by Johnny A on the recommendation of some A'goners in another thread. Sort of deceptively simple sounding blues, rock and jazz tinged in places. In other words, he's good enough to make it sound easy... has great tone and note placement, it all sounds pretty right to me. The recordings are quite well executed as well.