Favourite Guitar CDs

Can you pls advise ?

Showing 1 response by bdgregory

most of my favorites . . . not in any order, and not all of these are pure guitar - but they all have very prominant guitar.

George Benson - White Rabbit, Bad Benson
Buckethead - Cholma, Electric Tears
John Abercrombie - Timeless
Philip Catherine - any of his
Camel - any of theirs
King Crimson - Red, Lark's Tongues in Aspic, any others
Mike Oldfield - Ommadawn, Songs of a Distant Earth, others
The Pentangle - Sweet Child, others
Mark Knofler - Sailing to Philadelphia, Golden Heart
Neal Young - Harvest, After the Gold Rush
Jerry Douglas - most of his
and Eric Clapton - many/most of his
I'm crossing a few genres there. These are the ones I put on the player primarily for the guitar playing, but hardly exclusively for it