Several by David Lee Roth in Runnin’ With the Devil. Very close second is DLR in second verse of Outta Love. Maynard at the end of Eulogy. Sorry I know you asked for one but there are so many.
Favorite scream in rock?
Robert Palmer lets rip a tremendous, rolling scream near the end of "Sneakin' Sally." "The fact is ... rrrooOOAAAHHHHH .... JUST BEEN CAUGHT."
What's your favorite scream, shout, or yell? Other than Roger Daltrey's, of course.
Showing 3 responses by jastralfu
@peterf6 the screams I refer to are all DLR. You are correct about Anthony having a much higher vocal range and his backing vocals were excellent. Your Brandi Carlile mention reminded me of her outstanding cover of Soundgardens Searching Wirh My Good Eye Closed. She belts out a tremendous scream at the end of that. |