Favorite D2D LPs

I'm listening to Victor Feldmans Secret Of The Andes on Nautilus done by Kevin Gray at Cohearent. What a talented musician, I became aware of him via the Steely Dan records. I've go other D2D records by him also. The Sheffield Labs lps were great and I've got many others including the JVCs. Louis Bellson did some great ones. Maybe you can turn me on to others, thanks.


Charlie Byrd on Crystal Clear is fantastic sounding, also Lorin Maazel Telarc, the Eric Leinsdorf on Sheffield as well as the Arthur Fiedler on Crystal Clear I can't say I've been disappointed in any of my many D2D purchased. Some may of the mor sound a bit dated.

Forgot to mention that *Big Band Spectacular!* is on the Chasing the Dragon label - comes with 2 records - one cut D2D and the other (same session) mixedown to 1/2" tape @ 30 its - - plus a (very short) "behind the scenes" dvd.  Kind of pricey, but well worth the money.

Two of my favorites:

*The Glenn Miller Orchestra* - 1977 release by The Great American Gramophone Company)

*Big Band Spectacular!* featuring the Syd Lawrence Orchestra (circa 2018)

There are others, but these get played several times per year.