Fancy Fuse for Regenerator?

I'm thinking of putting one of those SR Purple fuses into my P10 Regenerator. I'm  seeking opinions if this is a great place because the benefits will go to all my equipment, or if it's a waste because the power is regenerated anyway. Please don't respond if you think these expensive fuses are all a joke, as I'm not trying to start one of those downward spiraling threads. Thank you.


Showing 1 response by barts

Paul McGowan stated he was shocked that changing out the stock PC in the P20 regenerators made a clearly audible difference in their Music Room 2 system.

I thought it was a pretty brave thing to say...when you consider the P20 is supposed to make completely "new" power.  I wrote to him and said he should daisy-chain several P20s as an experiment.  No clue whether they tried it or not.

So, I say go for it.

Regards, barts