I like your enthusiasm!
Thanks for the article!
I definitely wonder if you are right. I don't understand the complications of transmitting the data in a digital manner, so I am certainly in waters deeper than I should. I do know that the iPhone X and later models can transmit FLAC through the lightning port, however not through their Apple Music app, which has never supported FLAC and has always been an irritant. So I guess, I am asking for an education on data transmission and clocking...
What makes the data transmission better in various devices?
Does RFI have an effect on digital signals?
I like your enthusiasm!
Thanks for the article!
I definitely wonder if you are right. I don't understand the complications of transmitting the data in a digital manner, so I am certainly in waters deeper than I should. I do know that the iPhone X and later models can transmit FLAC through the lightning port, however not through their Apple Music app, which has never supported FLAC and has always been an irritant. So I guess, I am asking for an education on data transmission and clocking...
What makes the data transmission better in various devices?
Does RFI have an effect on digital signals?