F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations

For equipment with XLR out going to RCA ins, are there any "audiophile" grade cables you can recommend. I checked a few of well-regarded suppliers (BJC, Anti, etc.) with no luck. Of course, Amazon has a ton of $12 - $20 cables - they're not striking me as hi-fi grade to complement my system.

Fwiw, I'm considering the new microDac from Laiv and this'd be the first piece of equipment, that has only XLR outputs, that I would be purchasing.

For cost, would like to keep it under $250-ish.


Showing 3 responses by steakster


For XLR/RCA adapters, I own both this Purist set and this Cardas set.   I experimented for about a month of alternating the two sets – allowing time for each to settle-in.  The Purist adapter was more neutral, more solving.  The Cardas adapter was more warm, less resolving.   This was in my system.  YMMV.

Of course, cost/performance ratio is subjective.  The Cardas set was around $140 per pair.  The Purist set was $300 per pair.    Worth it to me for better SQ.    But I did not compare the Purist to this other more expensive Cardas set.  They weren’t around when I did the comparison.   

IME, avoiding adapters is the best approach.

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Also, I tried these much cheaper Neutrik XLR/RCA adapters.  They affected the SQ very poorly – way less resolving, almost muted.  They took the timbre and sparkle away.   I took one apart.  The internal connecting wires were ridiculously thin and very low quality.

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052rc is on target.   When using an XLR/RCA adapter, confirm that the pin configuration is correct for your particular unit.


Not to mention that sometimes in audio, some things come around and turn out to be giant killers, for their lesser price.

For a component as important as a DAC, take your time in deciding. Generally speaking, the best giant-killer opportunities are with pre-owned gear - not low MSRP prices. Low MSRP prices means they’re cutting corners from the get-go.

Much depends on how your future DAC will be used. A desktop computer set-up - or a 2 channel audiophile system - or a home theater.

Currently, it’s a buyer’s market for used audio equipment.* Just submit an offer that you’re comfortable with. A new DAC doesn’t necessarily mean better SQ. My DAC is 10 years old and sounds amazing.

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* When buying used, carefully read the sellers’ feedback about how well previous sales were packaged to prevent damage in shipping.