F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations

For equipment with XLR out going to RCA ins, are there any "audiophile" grade cables you can recommend. I checked a few of well-regarded suppliers (BJC, Anti, etc.) with no luck. Of course, Amazon has a ton of $12 - $20 cables - they're not striking me as hi-fi grade to complement my system.

Fwiw, I'm considering the new microDac from Laiv and this'd be the first piece of equipment, that has only XLR outputs, that I would be purchasing.

For cost, would like to keep it under $250-ish.


Showing 1 response by blisshifi

I think BJC and Anticables will both entertain this custom cable if you call them. It shouldn't be hard for them to accommodate.

If not, also look into the BL-1 Series II from DH Labs. You can call Greg directly from their website and he will be able to make them for you. Tell him Juan sent you.

In full disclosure am one of his dealers, but honestly that may be the best money spent on a cable in your price range.