External XO Question

I want to upgrade the dbx equalizer that came with my Sanders Speakers.

I need xlr connectors and all analog.






Showing 1 response by lonemountain

High end "graphic" EQ’s are a tough thing to find today. Most were professional (like the dbx) so they were balanced. Klark Technique was well known graphic EQ manufacturer back in the UK a long time ago, considered a good sounding one. Not neutral. They are still around but no longer UK and I don’t even know if they make EQ’s anymore. Most pros got out of graphics eq’s ages ago, they all ended up being set like smiley curves- which defeated the purpose of them (correcting for room anomalies). Graphics are usually default a glorified tone control without careful measurement and moderation which was always a rarity.

Some room tuners who used measurement kept using EQs, but they used parametric EQ’s that offered much greater control. The only ones that made it to high end land were pro brands like GML or another company (favored by many room tuners) built a passive EQ called White. GML is still around and still seen in many mastering rooms and this would be the only EQ I would ever put in a high end system with a caveat: I’d need a lot of measurement to help me understand what to do with it.

Today most of the work done by EQ is really now living in DSP software, via some program that measures and adjusts EQ parametrically for you based on what a little microphone tells it. DIRAC (or something like that) is common. There is endless debate about the value of such software. I know many who hate it saying changing the direct sound based on reflections is wrong- the direct sound was never the problem. Fix the reflections with acoustics work, not electrical work that applies to everything including what isn’t broken. Then there are some who use it and say, "oh wow, better" and love it.

There is much being done via software for the next generation of "correction" using the newest technology which goes further than the single measurement point "room correction" (a misnomer because it doesn’t really correct a room, it EQ’s a room+ speaker for a single position). The next generation of DSP will focus on speaker correction and this will offer significant improvements to the speaker and the "speaker in the room" behavior. There are some companies offering solutions in this regard, we have a dealer in Northern California called Acoustic Frontiers that does this type of work.
