Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.

Showing 18 responses by rareace

I’m interested in getting this but want to find out if any of you guys had a negative experience with power conditioners prior to the 3500P? I’ve demo’d the Audioquest Niagara 1000 and it actually took away some dynamics such as bass so I’m hesitant to try another conditioner. 
Thanks so much for you feedback @milpai Unfortunately I just purchased some hand made custom cables from Maze Audio which I'm pretty happy about even though I'm a skeptic on cables. I'll be honest that I purchased them for the aesthetics as they come in a very nice white braided jacket. I'm in the camp that my ears are not good enough to hear different cables but who knows maybe that'll change as my system improves. Which was the bigger improvement for you? The power conditioner or speaker cables?
@milpai Thanks for info and I'm going to go ahead and place an order for the 3500P this weekend with Bob. Hopefully I'll get the same improvements you have experienced. Btw did you upgrade your ac receptacles?
I'm with you @ozzy but Bob is offering me a full refund if it doesn't meet expectations so that made it easier.
Hi all,
Hope all is well and just wanted to post my feedback after having the Inakustik 3500-P for a few days of listening now. I can say it’s as everyone has mentioned which is overall SQ improvement with no detriments. Soundstage, Microdynamics, and Imaging specifically for my system. Bass was not compromised which was my experience with the Niagara 1000. Bob @worldwidewholesales was fantastic throughout my purchase process. In fact I reached out to him to inquire about the Rockna Wavedream but he steered me toward the 3500-P. I’m grateful for his honesty and expert advice as I was able to spend less with more gain.
@milpai @rdoc @twoleftears @dvdboulet @bacardi I noticed something interesting and slightly concerning recently when I was testing my outlets with a receptacle meter. I got a neutral/hot reverse polarity warning when connected to the AC-3500P. My wall outlet that the Inakustik is connected to tested fine. Have you tried testing your units? I'm located in the US and using the upgraded 2502 cable. 
@mike_ostradick That is my guess as well but I don't have another 20amp power cord. I've reached out to Bob to request another cord and hopefully if he can accommodate. Do you know if he does the actual termination? I read somewhere that is the case but it is strange if he needs to build the cords.
@milpai Thanks for testing your unit and glad your's is showing up correct. Btw, will you be upgrading to the 2404 Air cord? Bob mentioned it would enhance the 3500P...
@mike_ostradick I don’t have a multimeter but happy to buy one if you let me know how to use it and perform the test. -Alex
@mike_ostradick I went to Lowe's and purchased a multimeter. The cable checked out fine. Left on both ends beeped. Any ideas on how to check the conditioner? 
@mike_ostradick Yup all six are reading the same hot/neutral reverse. I emailed Bob but he doesn’t seem concerned. I would need to ship it back to him which would be a pain. I’m just not really sure what to do. 
@hm1 No doubt the 3500P is a great conditioner and Bob was awesome to deal with during the ordering process. 
Thanks so much @dvdboulet for your detailed response! Sounds like the problems you had with the other conditioners are what I am experiencing. Can I also ask what power cable you are using with the 3500P?  Also do you connect to an aftermarket outlet receptacle such as a Furutech NCF or a standard AC outlet? I just want to make sure to provide the best possible power to maximize the performance of the 3500P.
@dvdboulet It was very easy and no soldering required. Just need to remove the screws and slide the top plate off the unit. The IEC AC Inlet connecters are clipped in so it was a simple swap and we were done.
@twoleftears From a SQ perspective there wasn't much of any change to my ears.
However, more importantly my Line Magnetic amp is now MUCH quieter. It used to idle very erratically in regards to transformer hum. I literally thought there was something wrong with my amp. With the polarity now fixed my the amp is very silent AND consistent.
I'd recommend everyone with a 3500P to do a polarity check which only costs about $5 for the meter. 
@mlhotts I want to be completely clear that the sales process with Bob was A+. However, my displeasure was the his support post-sales. I also reached out to Inakustik but still haven't heard back and it's been over 2 weeks. Here is the exact timeline of events:

6/14: Informed Bob that my unit tested for reverse polarity on all 6 outlets.

Bob replied "You should never adjust the polarity at the AC."

6/20: After doing more research on the issue and using a different outlet meter that once again tested reverse polarity I reached out a second time to Bob to express my concern.

Bob replied "I have forwarded your message to the designer of the 3500P at Inakustik. I will have an answer in 24 hours. We have sold 223 units with zero problems. 
It is easy to drive yourself crazy reading BS on the Internet. My system is over $100000 and everything is plugged into a 3500P. I have clients with $750000 systems and everything is plugged into their 3500P conditioners. There is zero risk of any damage and in fact Inakustik is the only company I know that actually sells a properly designed conditioner. Inakustik and is NOT some garage manufacture. Inakustik has been in business for over 40 years and has 46 employees."

I then thought the cable could be the issue so on @mike_ostradick advice I tested with a volt meter and it passed the continuity test on the correct pins. So the issue is directly related to the unit but was not sure how to test it. 

6/25 My friend who is a certified electrician was over at my house and offered to look inside the unit as he could see if anything obvious was causing the issue. We indeed found the IEC AC Inlet to be reversed and simply swapped the hot and neutral wires. 

After I let Bob know the issue was resolved and my system is now in better shape (less noise from my amp) he still disagreed that reverse polarity is a shock hazard and I should not have done anything.
Ultimately I didn't feel fully supported by his communication and felt the need to protect myself and system. Also I noticed that some of my previous posts and comments have been altered or deleted which is not right as all I've stated is the facts of the situation and providing my feedback to others.

@milpai I was and still very happy with the unit but as I mentioned my amplifier started to exhibit a louder hum coming from the transformers. I thought it was an issue with my amp and didn’t relate it to the conditioner. I accidentally stumbled upon the issue when trying to combat the noise by using an iFi AC Purifier which has a built in polarity meter. Then after doing more research and consulting multiple sources in the industry I knew something was wrong. I’m not sure why you are mentioning phase as polarity is completely different. At the end of the day I just want people to be aware and check their units. Glad to hear yours checked out fine. Unfortunately mine did not. Bob made it pretty clear it wasn’t something I needed to worry about so that is why I took the steps to address the issue myself.-Alex
@milpai I would have loved it if Bob offered that but unfortunately was not the case. The response from him 2 weeks ago was that he has sold over 200 conditioners with zero issues and I shouldn't have to worry about polarity. Then he said he disagreed with me that reverse polarity is a shock hazard. Basically I lost faith anything was going to be resolved so I had a friend who is an electrician help me take a look at the unit which turned out to be an easy fix. It wasn't until today that I mentioned my dissatisfaction with his lack of support that he offered me a replacement.
@mike_ostradick @milpai Well I found the issue after opening up the unit. The AC IEC Inlet was reversed. Simple switch of the hot/neutral wire and now it tested correctly. I do have to let you guys know that Bob was not supportive at all during my communication. Most of the response back was how great of a company Inakustik is and that he disagreed with my assessment that reverse polarity can be a shock hazard. The conditioner is a great product but this will probably be my last purchase with @worldwidewholesales