Exotic vocal

Let's make it female vocal. I'll start:

Showing 3 responses by falconquest

Of all Middle Eastern singers I would say she is the most tolerable but there is something about the structure of the music that doesn't work for me.
Aauugh! I have never been able to tolerate Middle Eastern music. It just doesn't work for me. However, I can add to the list of exotic singers. Please check out Zhu Zhe-qin or as some would know her Dadawa from her album Yellow Children. This was also released in an English version but I prefer her native Chinese....

Ms. Haza did not appear on the Physical Graffiti album. She did a cover of the song. The only woman to have ever shared a mic with Robert Plant on an album was Sandy Denny on the song "Battle of Evermore" and what a voice she had!