Exotic vocal

Let's make it female vocal. I'll start:

Showing 8 responses by czarivey

One more Lisa Gerrard... Remember Gladiator soundtrack? Dead Can Dance?
It's definitely gothic and definitely EXOTIC

How to define exotic singing? Does the female singer have to have an exotic look like Ofra Haza? Ofra has an incredible and powerful voice, but still not sure how exotic would fit in...
There are many Arab, Persian and Indian singers that are extremely good as perhaps anywhere else...
I'll complete the list with most extra-ordinary female singers I've learned throughout my musical devotion...

Dimanda Galas often with Gothic appearance... Pure free spirit and mind

Meridith Monk mixes minimal piano with incredible voice improvisations

LHasa De Sela -- French Canadian born to Jewish mother and Mexican dad chosen to perform gypsy songs in Spanish with incredibly deep voice. Unfortunately she did not live long life and did not create enough work to enjoy her. This is one of her last performances before terminal disease took away her life... If you won't get goose bumps and chills on your skin, than there's something you miss


And finally (can you consider that exotic?) Nina Hagen -- mother of Punk. Many of us know her huge voice range from low male tenor to coloratura soprano... I enjoy this one of my favorite her late 70's video

Yma's records are collectible and rare. Near-impossible to get in great shape.
Ofra Haza was in Physical Graphiti album by Led Zeppelin in song Kashmire. That's LZ's journey to Middle Eastern music. Start from there and then perhaps will learn to appreciate.
Hey many still to mention...
Not only Bjork, but I believe Sinead O'Connor uses throat singing as well.