Excellent reference power cord made in Russia

I took a chance on a hi end power cord made in Russia named M.S.M Reference 1 sold on eBay. The cable is very thick and stiff but stays in shape when bent. I wasn't sure how it would fare against big name heavyweights in my system/collection (Elrod/Sablon/Verastarr/Vitus Audio/Jena Labs. I was astounded by the most coherent sound I've heard in my system to date. The M.S.M has everything: a bottom end that is jaw dropping, pristine highs with no glare whatsoever, vocals which are tonally correct, a glorious mid band and excellent transparency. These guys really know how to make a truly reference cable! The eBay listing states a current price promotion which makes this an incredible bargain. Highly recommended for any hi end system.

Showing 1 response by ozzy

I just reviewed the item on Ebay.

It seems rather risky to buy something that expensive.
Plus add the $50 shipping and it will take over a month to receive it.
Because there is no explanation as to what the cord is actually made of.
Wire Gauge? What type of wire or construction methods etc.?

And then there's Putin...