first, I object to your stentorian, arrogant tone. You are dealing with people enthusiastic about their hobby and by and large able to hear very well, and not a bunch of miscreants
Second, the issue with PS generated noise ISN‘T about missing bits in digital transmission but about ground level noise travelling along the data path and deleteriously affecting the digital to analogue conversion, i.e. it is an analogue rather than digital problem which on first sight isn‘t covered by your digital expertise, however profound that may or may not be.
Finally I suggest you might start listening yourself rather than argue from first principles
first, I object to your stentorian, arrogant tone. You are dealing with people enthusiastic about their hobby and by and large able to hear very well, and not a bunch of miscreants
Second, the issue with PS generated noise ISN‘T about missing bits in digital transmission but about ground level noise travelling along the data path and deleteriously affecting the digital to analogue conversion, i.e. it is an analogue rather than digital problem which on first sight isn‘t covered by your digital expertise, however profound that may or may not be.
Finally I suggest you might start listening yourself rather than argue from first principles