Excellent article on music and the brain

AARP (yup, I'm a geezer) has a great article about music therapy helping dementia patients. Our music habit is helping us ward off loss of memory and cognition. Listen for your health!

The Extraordinary Effects Music can Have on the Mind and Memory



I am a bit distracted mind...😁

@mahgister  Your link is referencing your PC. Here is the online version.

Interesting Article! Thanks...

Something in this very short article that is not said about language and music differences and skill retained and lost in case of stroke or alzheimer is the fact that music is more deeply engraved in the body than prosaic speech ability...

I use the term prosaic speech ability, because poetry is the other deeper levels of language dynamics and akin to singing...

Music ability is conserved more robustly because music is engrammed deeper in the body than the emerged part of the language iceberg, the logical, more linear non musical prosaic one...

Poetry history and words creation in history revealed that the dogma of complete arbitrariness of the signs promoted by Saussure is a useful and convenient work hypothesis but is not a truth at all if we studied more deeply... in language there is no pure arbitrariness of the signs...

There is no two dynamical levels as suggested by Saussure but three as seen By Peirce...

Saussure takes into account only the signs  structure, not his dynamical links with his environment and the human body...

Saussure nominalism is completely rejected with reason by Charles Sanders Peirce. As it is by Goethe  and Humboldt...


a short intro for those who dont know :
