OVER-sampling is something that nearly EVERY CD player does. Oversampling basically mulipies the frequency of the input by a number (generally something like 4x, 8x, or 32x) to match the operating frequency of the DAC. This also gets rid of some of the high frequency spuriae that some down range components (amps, preamps) may not be able to deal with.
UP-Sampling actually fundamentally changes the input itself. Instead of just merely multiplying the frequency, it actually adds bits to the input signal, well before the DAC. It helps assure that the DAC makes far fewer errors, and although it doesn't IMPROVE the signal, it helps to keep it in tact. Hope this helps. Cheers!
UP-Sampling actually fundamentally changes the input itself. Instead of just merely multiplying the frequency, it actually adds bits to the input signal, well before the DAC. It helps assure that the DAC makes far fewer errors, and although it doesn't IMPROVE the signal, it helps to keep it in tact. Hope this helps. Cheers!