Everything Matters With Digital

Everything matters with digital.

Oh yeah.

Showing 3 responses by cleeds

... Consider how much time and money you have invested in your internet modem the device that reconstructs the analog to digital signal ...
Huh? What kind of ISP are you using? My modem doesn't "reconstruct" analog to digital. It's digital in and digital out.
If it’s digital in and digital out why do you have a modem?
C’mon, are you really claiming that your ISP provides you with an analog signal? I suppose it’s possible, but it’s difficult to believe.

Modem = 𝗠𝗼dulate𝗗𝗲𝗺odulate.
My cable modem (Netgear CM500) takes a digital cable input and outputs it in a proper format for the router. There’s nothing analog about any of it.
It’s a little maddening for people who are empirically minded to see others set money ablaze over the placebo affect.
That's pretty colorful language, but there's no evidence that anyone here is setting "money ablaze."

If you find this group "maddening," perhaps you are in the wrong group.