Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...

Evaluating as a standalone streaming player.

8 hours run time. So far sounds dull and lifeless.

  • Streaming Qobuz only
  • DH Labs ethernet
  • Zavfino Fina power cable
  • Zavfino Fusion XLR interconnects

DMP 8 settings

  • DSD audio: native (default was DSD over PCM - sounds the same)
  • Volume: max
  • DAC filter: short delay slow roll-off (default)

Any ideas from other DMP 8 owners?


Also I read  the thing has dsp built in which is a fabulous feature.  Have you tried to use it to tweak the sound?

Can’t really comment on the Eversolo A8 other than I had some contact with a guy who bought one but decided not to keep it and returned it for a refund. Now, regarding the comments about streaming thru Qobuz, I’ve been using the service for several years and have enjoyed it with no plans to change. The sound quality of many, many albums I have saved to my favorites is quite good in my opinion. Initially I listened through my Rose RS150b whose App seems tailored to Qobuz and never felt there were any significant shortcomings to the sound quality. However, recently I’ve added a Geshelli Labs Dayzee DAC and an Auralic Aries streamer. I can say with confidence that whether I’m streaming from the Rose or the Aries into the Dayzee, the sound is now even better. So, I guess there’s always something better out there, but for me, I’m hitting the pause button and just trying to enjoy the music for a while, hopefully a very long while.

Vdot, smart to buy a proven platform.  The streamer space is getting crowded fast...  too many wanna be flavors of the week.   Auralic, Aurender , Innuos, and Bluesound would be my only choices.  

Streaming is overhyped, along with streamers. It’s good in theory but it’s still not ready for prime audiophile sound time.  Despite what the mostly useless  measurements say.


I am actually very happy with the A8. I had it about 3 months. Nice one box solution with lots of flavor for $2K imo. What were you using before?