Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...

Evaluating as a standalone streaming player.

8 hours run time. So far sounds dull and lifeless.

  • Streaming Qobuz only
  • DH Labs ethernet
  • Zavfino Fina power cable
  • Zavfino Fusion XLR interconnects

DMP 8 settings

  • DSD audio: native (default was DSD over PCM - sounds the same)
  • Volume: max
  • DAC filter: short delay slow roll-off (default)

Any ideas from other DMP 8 owners?


Showing 4 responses by oddiofyl

Return it while you can.   Support from Eversolo is abysmal....  worst I have ever experienced in this hobby in 40 years.  

I also have a N200  Aurenders are worth the money especially the A8 is now $2000.   I told my Dad to buy a bluesound node or Innuos, or Aurender. All good platforms.  He watched Steve Huff oooing and ahhhing over the A6 and bought one.  360 days later , immediately after update no USB to his DAC.   

Eversolo has no clue how to support their hardware,  many bugs pop up each revision.   Often times it is minor stuff, but when new firmware causes problems and a company flat out lies about a known issue that should be a red flag.  Another red flag is requesting an RMA for repair and being ignored....  still waiting on a reply since 6/22

You are buying into a brand with no channels for hardware support or repair.   If it fails within a year hopefully your dealer will offer to replace it.  After a year, no repairs.    That's OK for a $300 streamer , I'll accept that .  But $1299 $2000 products ?   C'mon.   They are not interested in after sales support or hardware repair.  Buy at own risk


Means nothing, zero....  if a product measures great and has weak support how good is it really?    

Vdot, smart to buy a proven platform.  The streamer space is getting crowded fast...  too many wanna be flavors of the week.   Auralic, Aurender , Innuos, and Bluesound would be my only choices.