Eva Cassidy Catalog

Like many on this group I am a fan of Eva Cassidy's music. I thought I had her complete catalog including the new release "American Tune" but after a music search I found I was missing two titles. Has anyone heard "Method Actor" and "No Boundaries" and can comment on them? I understand they are different from her other recordings in style and content. Thnaks.

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Hi Newbee, always enjoy your post. Yes I have the album with Chuck Brown, really enjoy it. The American Tune cd is very much in the same vein of her others, very diverse collections of music sung wonderfully. She sings the Beatles, Duke Ellington, Paul Simon, Billie Holiday and a killer version of "Drowning In The Sea Of Love" You won't be dissapointed. Thank you for the information on her music, I will order both. Good listening .