euro speakers for Luxman SQ-N150

I am seeking advice on speakers (preferably euro made) that offer a refined and dynamic soundstage for my Luxman SQ-N150 amp. I currently own the Dynaudio Evoke 20 that are warm, melodic and pretty beautiful to listen to at medium to high volume, but they miss out many of the details in lower volumes. Also, my listening room is about 45 sq meters, and I'd would like to upgrade to a floorstander.

I live in europe, and am not planning on importing speakers from the US (Tekton / Klipsch) - since the prices are exorbitant. Plus, I hear horror stories about how the management of Klipsch treat their employees - especially women and minorities. I would like to hopefully support a company that practices environmental sustainability and treats their employees equally.

I have been looking into Sonus faber Lumina 3, and Dynaudio evoke 30 (the sensitivity of these speakers are higher 88db and is 4 ohms). Wonder how these fair with the Luxman tube speakers. Looking for more options (maybe also Focal Chora 826 - but dont know if they sound too bright). I'd like to retain the warmness of Dynaudio

Please guide me on this journey. Thank you

I had the sq-n100 and really, there is a limit to what those small tube amps can handle. (Didn't handle ProAc D15 at higher volumes)

Unless you only listen to mellow acoustic music at low volumes, you should probably look for above 90db and 8 ohm speakers. Preferably even higher sensitivity.

Have a look at Tannoy or Fyne perhaps?

I believe the Dynaudio speakers require more power than your amp has to make them come 'alive'. I believe you found that out with your Evokes. I do like the Dynaudio speakers I have listened to. I would look for 8ohm speakers at >93dB sensitivity.

Spatial Audio M3TM ....or something like them at 93-97db.....the Luxman sounds excellent with such speakers,