EtherREGEN will have a new model availlable , soon .
EtherREGEN or LHY SW-6? Anyone compare the 2? Thoughts/opinions?
Hi, All,
So just when I was ready to pull the trigger on the EthgerREGEN, at the last minute I came across the LHY SW-6. Thanks to all who took the time to respond to my previous post about adding an Ethernet switch/power supply.
The only 2 pcs that will be connected to the switch is my streamer (Eversolo DMP-A6 Master) and a Brennan B2 CD Ripper. I also just added 2 Ethernet cables from Pine Tree Audio (solid stuff very reasonable prices)
My final decision has come down to these 2. Both are same cost-wise and I have read great things about both. Anyone compare the 2 or have any opinion as to which direction to go? My only concern is that the EtherREGEN runs very hot. I've always felt that something that runs hot may have a shorter shelf life?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and time...
I have the LHY SW-6. I was attracted to the linear power supply and did not want to have the $15 switch (with switching PS) connected to my streamer. I find the product to be very well built and it runs warm but not hot. Never had an issue with it. My system was a few upgrades behind where I am now when I installed it so I can not say it made a huge difference. I was in the phase of removing unwanted noise and was adding in some Shunyata power cables as well. My recollection was that the cables and switch slightly reduced background noise and cleaned up the upper end as well. For the money it seemed worthwhile - I think I paid around $600 for the switch. Please keep us posted regarding your purchase. |
@maxwave Thank you. Yes sometime in June I understand the ER G2 will be out. I think if I go with ER I’ll go with the original.
@12many Thank you very much, also very helpful! Appreciate the honesty. I Speke with Alvin at Vinshine (customer service doesn’t get any better than Alvin and Vinshine) and he said the SW-6 is a great match with the Eversolo. Alvin is nothing if not honest. I too am using Shunyata Delta V2 on my DAC and Processor. I have an excellent DH Labs power cable I’ll be using on the SW-6. Definitely leaning in the direction of the SW-6 and will post once I make the call…
Thanks to All for your time and advice! |
@maxwave I also spoke with Alex from UpTone and the Gen2 will be in very high demand and hard to get. It’ll sell out quick. The heat generated by the ER is what concerns me. Plus I don’t want to wait that long. Right now the Gen 1 is in stock and ready to ship. |