Ethernet Cables - what are you using and why?

Curious about what everyone is doing for their streaming systems in terms of Ethernet cables. I know some people who swear by expensive models, but anecdotally it seems that folks care a lot less about Ethernet than they do about interconnects, AC, or even USB cables. 

I'm a believer but at the moment run a relatively affordable model that I might be looking to upgrade. Let's hear your thoughts.


Showing 3 responses by mclinnguy

SoTM dcbl Cat 7 cable, chosen after reading several reviews from owners impressions and pro reviews. The improvement in sound quality over the Audio Sensibility modified Supra cat 8 cable is obvious, but yes in agreement with what you have surmised, and as ghdprentice reported, the difference is perhaps a 2/10 given that a power cable difference is 9/10. 

Check out Audio Bacon's review of a few of them; I agree with his findings comparing the Supra to the SoTM. 

Audio Bacon ethernet cables

.... including the Cardas ethernet cable which for $300 was not bad but not in the same league as the Shunyata and this is in no way to say anything negative about the Cardas cable.
