Ethernet Cables - what are you using and why?

Curious about what everyone is doing for their streaming systems in terms of Ethernet cables. I know some people who swear by expensive models, but anecdotally it seems that folks care a lot less about Ethernet than they do about interconnects, AC, or even USB cables. 

I'm a believer but at the moment run a relatively affordable model that I might be looking to upgrade. Let's hear your thoughts.


Showing 2 responses by akg_ca



+1 ….re: silver over copper…agreed gents!


I have no doubt that you fail to generate an audio performance upgrade in YOUR system (emphasis added) with premium quality build Ethernet cable options …fine …carry on.
But you are patently dead wrong to engender that same misguided blanket bias as any gospel to the cohort of us with high-end resolution systems, who do enjoy that step-up in performance .that is not insignificant…full stop

@ghdprentice :+1

I agree with his posted experiences that the audio step-up improvements can be somewhat more subtle, than comparing comparatively crap and cheap build budget analogue and power cables to their premium build and step-up audio performance options,… but nevertheless, these Ethernet cable audio improvements are distinct.