Ethernet cables

So I've been streaming for just over a year (I'm really an analog guy, listen about 75% to my TT set-up). Been listening to Roon/QoBuz via my MacBook Pro thru a Bricasti. The Bricasti is hooked-up via a Ethernet cable to an Xfinity "POD"  which works well. Yesterday got in a Roon Nucleus and what a great sonic improvement! Very happy. But here's the question. I'm using a very good Ethernet cable from the Bricasti to POD but how important is the Ethernet cable from the Nucleus to the switch? Personally I haven't done much comparisons with Ethernet cables. 
(Dealer disclaimer) 

Showing 1 response by sksos

@m-db I'm using the Bricasti M12 exactly like you would use the M3 into a white Xfinity "POD" that has the 2 Ethernet ports underneath. My Xfinity Router/Modem is in another room and I have a Roon Nucleus hooked up to a switch which is then hooked into the Router/modem. The Bricasti works flawlessly and you I choose my songs via either an iPad or my phone. Either way no problems.

(Dealer disclaimer)