Esotar T-330D Tweeter

I seen a ad for a Esotar T-330D Tweeter and I wonder if that is the same tweeter used in the Andra 2 and others?
Those are what I have in my Fontaines ... and they are awesome. Auditioning other speakers has made me realize that, for me, what breaks the deal and makes me keep my Fontaines over all others is the tweeter. It is the key which consistently creates the most satisfying musical experience for me. Clear, detailed, yet smooooth.
Rockadanny, Thanks, Eggleston just confirmed also.
I saw a ad for set on EBay. I thought they would be good to have just in case mine ever needed replacing.
But, the Auction ended before anyone could comfirm the model number.
P.S. they went for $530 and they were used...yikes!
$530 used!? Yikes is right. I'd better run over to my volume knob and scale it back some right now. But I swear, they're worth it.
The cost to a speaker manufacturer is $850 per single driver, and they are not sold to a general public. Don't ask me how I know.
Hi Maril555,
I checked with Eggleston and they qoute me$850 for a pair.$425 each.
$530 used!? Yikes is right. I'd better run over to my volume knob and scale it back some right now. But I swear, they're worth it.

The $850 per pair includes mark up of course (nobody provides services for free). Nevertheless, this is still a relatively high priced tweeter - nearly double the Excel Millenium. Is this bad? I don't think so...after all this is what makes the sound and one could hardly be delighted about spending $5 K+ on speakers to learn they had only a $29.99 tweeter mounted in them (this is actualy most often the case)!
Well, the driver in my case is "custom made" by Dynaudio for the speaker manufacturer (at least, that's what I was told).
Well, the driver in my case is "custom made" by Dynaudio for the speaker manufacturer (at least, that's what I was told).

Sometimes the speaker manufacturer modifies the dispersion by changing the waveguide (tweeter faceplate) or simply changes the way the faceplate mounts to the baffle (screw configuration etc.) This means the same tweeter model will not always fit all speakers that use it.

So Ozzy how was the tour? Are you worrying about replacement tweeters for your Anda's already, I wouldn't. Everything that I have thrown at mine so far absolutely no problems what so ever so I really wouldn't worry. These speakers just seem to take everything you throw at them and don't run out of gas, pretty amazing.
About two or three years ago, I called Dynaudio to get a quote on a pair for replacement, they quoted me $1200 a pair. I think $850 a pair is good in comparison.
Only worrying about tweeter replacement based on my last 2 sets that I owned.My APL PLAYER has switch on the back that disables the volumne control and allows full output to say a preamp.This switch at times will get bumped and full power from Amp has blown tweeters.
Dev, The tour was great. Jim Thompson spent a lot of time with me. Its really a small wood shop with other things than speaker building going on. Jim seems like a man dedicated to the craft.
I was able to demo the new Model 9 speakers. They sound pretty good, but I still like the Andras 2's.

Just got back from vacation and fired up some tunes, the bass definition is so great on the Andras 2 you can follow the bass lines on any song. They sound so mellow and easy and effortless. The soundstage is huge with a center image that is the best I have ever heard and I have heard many speakers.
My Andras were demo's with 500 hours on them when I bought them so they are broken in.
I contacted Eggleston for the replacement drivers for my Andra and below is the extract of response from Jim Thompson:
Hi Ali,

Price for woofers is $325 each and the tweeter is $425 each. Figure about $150 for shipping to Pakistan.

Please let me know if you would like to do this and I will get the order together for you.

Best regards,

ozzy, i have used the esotar 330 in the production of my merlin vsm for 20 years. you may want to give me a call.
bobby at merlin
I wonder if you gave DYNAUDIO a call, they may have the tweeter as they supplied them to Eggleston Works. They are the largest supplier of Drivers in the world.